Which Electric Breast Pump is Right for Me?

Breast pumps are designed for different purposes. Some pumps are designed to be used multiple times a day and some pumps are designed to be used no more than once a day. Before buying a pump, consider the reason you will be pumping. Using the wrong pump puts your milk supply at risk. This quick summary will help you choose wisely!
Advanced Double Electric — If your baby is not latching yet, or you plan to go back to work or school, you’ll need a full-time use pump like the hospital strength Advanced Double Electric Breast Pump. This pump is designed to be used multiple times a day. In addition, this pump has independent controls for speed and suction, allowing you produce multiple let downs (also called milk releases) to maximize your milk supply. This pump can help you bring your milk in, build your milk supply, and maintain your milk supply.
Advanced Single Electric — If you want the convenience of pumping for an occasional missed feeding, then the Advanced Single Electric Pump may work for you. The breast pump packaging states “FOR OCCASIONAL-USE PUMPING” which means pumping a few times a week, not more than once per day. This pump is best for moms who have already established a full milk supply. If you need to pump more often than this or need to increase your supply, consider upgrading to the Advanced Double Electric. We offer an Evenflo Family discount for consumers who need to upgrade. Just let us know!