How to Identify Your Bottle Nipple Flow Rate

The flow rate of Evenflo Feeding bottle nipples is printed on every nipple. To find the flow rate, remove the nipple from the cap ring. Turn the bottle nipple upside down and look at the bottom lip of the bottle nipple.
Balance + Nipples
Balance + Nipples are labeled with a single letter. Find a circle with the letter S, M, or X written inside.
- S = Slow Flow
- M = Medium Flow
- X = Fast Flow/X-cut
Vented + Nipples
Vented + Nipples have two markings. They are labeled with a single letter as well as with milk drops.
- S and 1 milk drop = Slow Flow
- M and 2 milk drops = Medium Flow
- X and 4 milk drops = Fast Flow/X-cut
Classic Nipples
The Classic Nipple uses a number wheel to label flow rate. The number wheel has the numbers 1, 2, and 4 written in a small circle. Within the circle is an arrow pointing to the flow rate.
- 1 = Slow Flow
- 2 = Medium Flow
- 4 = Fast Flow